
143. Visible Light–Triggered Depolymerization of Commercial Polymethacrylates
H.S. Wang, M. Agrachev, H. Kim, N. P. Truong, T.-L. Choi, G. Jeschke, A. Anastasaki
Science 2025, 387, 874-880 [external page Link]
- This work was highlighted by the ETH Zurich news [Link]
- This work was highlighted by Chemistry World [external page Link]
- This work was highlighted by the [external page Link]
- This work was highlighted by C&EN [external page Link]
- This work was highlighted by Donga Science [external page Link]
- This work was highlighted by EurekAlert! [external page Link],Plastics Today [external page Link], Recycling Today [external page Link], Azo Materials [external page Link], The University Network [external page Link], Mirage News [external page Link], SciTech Daily [Link], MSN [external page Link], Ingeniueur [external page Link], EcoInventos [external page Link], New Atlas [external page Link], My Science [external page Link], Technology Networks [external page Link], Ciclo Vivo [external page Link], ScienMag [external page Link], Bioengineer [external page Link], New Atlas [external page Link], Scienxx [external page Link], N+1 [external page Link], LA Republica [external page Link]

142. Harnessing Non-Thermal External Stimuli for Polymer Recycling
G.R. Jones, R. Whitfield, H.S. Wang, N.D.A. Watuthanthrige, M.-N. Antonopoulou, V. Lohmann, A. Anastasaki
Macromolecules 2025, Articles ASAP, [external page Link]
-This work was selected as an Editor's Choice article

141. Oxygen-Tolerant ATRP Depolymerization Enabled by an External Radical Source
S. Mountaki, R. Whitfield, A. Anastasaki
Macromol. Rapid Commun. 2025, 2401067 [external page Link]

140. Ultrafast Thermal RAFT Depolymerization at Higher Solid Contents
D. Mantzara, R. Whitfield, H.S. Wang, N. P. Truong, A. Anastasaki
ACS Macro Lett. 2025, 14, 235-240 external page [Link]

139. Low Temperature Thermal RAFT Depolymerization: The Effect of Z-group Substituents on Molecular Weight Control and Yield
N.D.A. Watuthanthrige, A. Moskalenko, A.A. Kroeger, M. Coote, N. P. Truong, A. Anastasaki
Chem. Sci. 2025, 16, 3516-3522 external page [Link]

138. Atom transfer radical polymerization
S. Harrisson, R. Whitfield, A. Anastasaki, K. Matyjaszewski
Nat. Rev. Methods Primers 2025, 5, 2 external page [Link]

137. Acid-Enhanced Photoiniferter Polymerization under Visible Light
M. N. Antonopoulou, N. P. Truong, T. Egger, A. A. Kroeger, M. L. Coote, A. Anastasaki
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2024, 137, e202420733 external page [Link]

136. Accelerated Continuous Flow Depolymerization of Poly(Methyl Methacrylate)
K. S. C. Jäger, G. Dev Ammini, P. -J. Voorter, P. Subramanian, A. Kumar, A. Anastasaki, T. Junkers
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2024, 147, 594-602 external page [Link]

135. Atomic-Scale Imaging of Polymers and Precision Molecular Weight Analysis
A. Marathianos, A. Magiakos, Y. Han, A. Sanchez, R. Whitfield, J. Kammerer, A. Anastasaki, P. Wilson, J. P. Patterson, C. Barner-Kowollik, E. Liarou
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2024, 146, 34292–34297 external page [Link]

134. Initiators for Continuous Activator Regeneration (ICAR) Depolymerization
G. R. Jones, M. N. Antonopoulou, N. P. Truong, A. Anastasaki
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2024, 146, 35023-35028 external page [Link]

133. Open-Air Chemical Recycling: Fully Oxygen-Tolerant ATRP Depolymerization
S. A. Mountaki, R. Whifield, E. Liarou, N. P. Truong, A. Anastasaki
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2024, 146, 18848–18854 external page [Link]
- This article was highlighted by RSC Applied Polymers and selected for inclusion in a special SDG collection

132. Thermal Solution Depolymerization of RAFT Telechelic Polymers
N.D.A. Watuthanthrige, R. Whifield, S. Harrisson, N. P. Truong, A. Anastasaki
ACS Macro Lett. 2024, 13, 806-811 external page [Link]

131. Enhancing photothermal depolymerization with metalloporphyrin catalyst
G. Ng, S. W. Prescott, A. Postma, G. Moad, C. J. Hawker, A. Anastasaki, C. Boyer
J. Polym. Sci. 2024, 62, 3920-3928 external page [Link]

130. Unusual Stability of an end-on Superoxido Copper(II) Complex under Ambient Conditions
C. E. Campi, K. Parkatzidis, A. Anastasaki, S. Schindler
Chem. Eur. J. 2024, e202401634 external page [Link]

129. Network Polymer Properties Engineered through Polymer Backbone Dispersity and Structure
I.O. Raji, O.J. Dodo, N. K. Saha, M. Eisenhart, K.M. Miller, R. Whitefield, A. Anastasaki, D. Konkolewicz
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2024, 63, e202315200 external page [Link]

128. Photocatalytic Upcycling and Depolymerization of Vinyl Polymers
K. Parkatzidis, H.S. Wang, A. Anastasaki
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2024, 63, e202402436 external page [Link]

127. Enhanced synthesis of multiblock copolymers via acid-triggered RAFT polymerization
M. N. Antonopoulou, N. P. Truong, A. Anastasaki
Chem. Sci. 2024, 15, 5019-5026 external page [Link]

126. Chemical Recycling of Bromine-Terminated Polymers Synthesized by ATRP
S. A. Mountaki, R. Whitfield, K. Parkatzidis, M. N. Antonopoulou, N. P. Truong, A. Anastasaki
RSC Appl. Polym. 2024, 2, 275-283 external page [Link]

125. Acid-triggered radical polymerization of vinyl monomers
M. N. Antonopoulou, G. R. Jones, A. A. Kroeger, Z. Pei, M. L. Coote, N. P. Truong, A. Anastasaki
Nat. Synth. 2024, 3, 347-356 external page [Link]
-This work was highlighted by Nature Synthesis [external page Link]
- This work was highlighted by Chem [external page Link]
- This work was highlighted by the Department of Materials (ETH) [Link]
- This work was highlighted by Synfacts [external page Link]

124. RAFT polymerization of renewable monomers with dithiobenzoates: Effect of Z-group substituents and reaction conditions
S. Boner, K. Parkatzidis, N. De Alwis Watuthanthrige N. P. Truong, A. Anastasaki
Eur. Polym. J. 2024, 205, 112721 external page [Link]

123. The thermodynamics and kinetics of depolymerization: what makes vinyl monomer regeneration feasible?
V. Lohmann, G. R. Jones, N. P. Truong, A. Anastasaki
Chem. Sci. 2024, 15, 832-853 external page [Link]

122. Controlled radical depolymerization: Structural differentiation and molecular weight control
H. S. Wang, K, Parkatzidis, T. Junkers, N. P. Truong, A. Anastasaki
Chem 2024, 10, 388-401 external page [Link]

121. Controlling Primary Chain Dispersity in Network Polymers: Elucidating the Effect of Dispersity on Degradation
T. Shimizu, R. Whitfield, G. R. Jones, I. Raji, D. Konkolewicz, N. P. Truong, A. Anastasaki
Chem. Sci. 2023, 14, 13419-13428 external page [Link]

120. Temporal regulation of PET-RAFT controlled radical depolymerization
V. Bellotti, H. S. Wang, N. P. Truong, R. Simonutti, A. Anastasaki
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2023, 62, e202313232 external page [Link]
- This work was selected as a Hot Paper

119. Photocatalytic ATRP Depolymerization: Temporal Control at Low ppm Catalyst Concentration
K. Parkatzidis, N. P. Truong, K. Matyjaszewski, A. Anastasaki
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2023, 145, 21146-21151 external page [Link]

118. Oxygen-enhanced superoxido copper-catalyzed ATRP accelerated by light
S. Della Casa, K. Parkatzidis, N. P. Truong, A. Anastasaki
J. Polym. Sci. 2023, 61, 3087-3094 [external page Link]

117. Fate of the RAFT End-Group in the Thermal Depolymerization of Polymethacrylates
F. Häfliger, N. P. Truong, H. S. Wang, A. Anastasaki
ACS Macro Lett. 2023, 12, 1207-1212 [external page Link]

116. Solvent-Free Chemical Recycling of Polymethacrylates made by ATRP and RAFT Polymerization: High-Yielding Depolymerization at Low Temperatures
R. Whitfield, G.R. Jones, N. P. Truong, L. Manring, A. Anastasaki
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2023, 62, e202309116 [external page Link]

115. Reversed Controlled Polymerization (RCP): Depolymerization from Well-Defined Polymers to Monomers
G.R. Jones, H.S. Wang, K. Parkatzidis, R. Whitfield, N. P. Truong, A. Anastasaki
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2023, 145, 9898-9915 [external page Link]

114. Cu(0)-RDRP of acrylates using an alkyl iodide initiator
K. Parkatzidis, L. de Haro Amez, N. P. Truong, A. Anastasaki
Polym. Chem. 2023, 14, 1639-1645 [external page Link]

113. ATRP Enhances Structural Correlations in Polymerization-Induced Phase Separation
A. Sicher, R. Whitfield, J. Ilavsky, V. Saranathan, A. Anastasaki, E. R. Dufresne
Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 2023, 62, e202217683 [external page Link]

112. Oxygen-Enhanced Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization through the Formation of a Copper Superoxido Complex
K. Parkatzidis, N. P. Truong, R. Whitfield, C. E. Campi, B. Grimm-Lebsanft, S. Buchenau, M. A. Rübhausen, S. Harrisson, D. Konkolewicz, S. Schindler, A. Anastasaki
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2023, 145, 1906-1915 [external page Link]
- this work was highlihghted by the Department of Materials (ETH) [Link]

111. Light-Accelerated Depolymerization Catalyzed by Eosin Y
V. Bellotti, K. Parkatzidis, H. S. Wang, N. De Alwis Watuthanthrige, M. Orfano, A. Monguzzi, N. P. Truong, R. Simonutti, A. Anastasaki
Polym. Chem., 2023, 14, 253-258 [external page Link]
- This work was selected as an Editor's Choice in Polymer Chemistry

110. Investigating the Effect of End-Group, Molecular Weight, and Solvent on the Catalyst-Free Depolymerization of RAFT Polymers: Possibility to Reverse the Polymerization of Heat-Sensitive Polymers
H. S. Wang, N. P. Truong, G. R. Jones, A. Anastasaki
ACS Macro Lett., 2022, 11, 1212-1216 [external page Link]
- This work was highlighted by Wall Street Journal Podcasts external page [Link]

109. Rapid Oxygen-Tolerant Synthesis of Protein-Polymer Bioconjugates via Aqueous Copper-Mediated Polymerization
A. Theodorou, D. Gounaris, E. Voutyritsa, N. Andrikopoulos, C. I. M. Baltzaki, A. Anastasaki, K. Velonia
Biomacromolecules, 2022, 23, 4241-4253 external page [Link]

108. What Matters for a European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant?
A. Anastasaki
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2022, 61, e202206303 external page [Link]
- This work was an invited paper by Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.
- This work was highlighted by ChemistryViews [external page Link]
- This work was mentioned in the ERC official Twitter account's "Tips for ERC grant proposals" Moment [external page Link]
- This work was the most downloaded Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. article in the month of August [external page Link]

107. The effect of surface-active statistical copolymers in low-energy miniemulsion and RAFT polymerization
M. Rolland, E. R. Dufresne, N. P. Truong, A. Anastasaki
Polym. Chem. 2022, 13, 5135-5144 external page [Link]
- This work was invited and highlighted in the Emerging Investigators series

106. Controlling size, shape, and charge of nanoparticles via low-energy miniemulsion and heterogeneous RAFT polymerization
V. Lohmann, M. Rolland, N. P. Truong, A. Anastasaki
Eur. Polym. J. 2022, 176, 111417 external page [Link]

105. Photoinduced Iron-Catalyzed ATRP of Renewable Monomers in Low-Toxicity Solvents: A Greener Approach
K. Parkatzidis, S. Boner, H. S. Wang, A. Anastasaki
ACS Macro Lett. 2022, 11, 814-846 external page [Link]
- This work was selected as the cover art

104. Reversing RAFT Polymerization: Near-Quantitative Monomer Generation Via a Catalyst-Free Depolymerization Approach
H. S. Wang , N. P. Truong, Z. Pei, M. L. Coote, A. Anastasaki
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2022, 144, 4678-4684 external page [Link]
- This work was highlighted by Chemistry World external page [Link]
- This work was highlighted by C&EN external page [Link]
- This work was highlighted and interviewed by BBC Radio 5 Live [external page Link]
- This work was highlighted by the ETH Zurich news [Link]
- This work was highlighted by CHIMIA external page [Link]
- This work was highlighted by the Department of Materials (ETH) [Link]

103. Controlling polymer dispersity using switchable RAFT agents: Unravelling the effect of the organic content and degree of polymerization
M. N. Antonopoulou, R. Whitfield, N. P. Truong, A. Anastasaki
Eur. Polym. J. 2022, 174, 111326 external page [Link]

102. Transformer-Induced Metamorphosis of Polymeric Nanoparticle Shape at Room Temperature
K. Parkatzidis, N. P. Truong, M. Rolland, V. Lutz-Bueno, E. H. Pilkington, R. Mezzenga, A. Anastasaki
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2022, 61, e202113424 external page [Link]
- This work was highlighted as a Very Important Paper (VIP) according to the evaluation of the referees
- This work was highlighted by the Department of Materials (ETH) [Link]

101. A General Model for the Ideal Chain Length Distributions of Polymers Made with Reversible Deactivation
M. M. Kearns, C. N. Morley, K. Parkatzidis, R. Whitfield, A. D. Sponza, P. Chakma, N. D. A. Watuthanthrige, M. Chiu, A. Anastasaki, D. Konkolewicz
Polym. Chem. 2022, 13, 898-913 external page [Link]

100. Concurrent Control over Sequence and Dispersity in Multiblock Copolymers
M. N. Antonopoulou, R. Whitfield, N. P. Truong, D. Wyers, S. Harrisson, T. Junkers, A. Anastasaki
Nat. Chem. 2022, 14, 304-312 external page [Link]
- This work was highlighted and interviewed by Nature Chemistry external page [Link]
- This work was highlighted by the Department of Materials (ETH) [Link]

99. Ubiquitous Nature of Rate Retardation in Reversible Addition–Fragmentation Chain Transfer Polymerization
K. G. E. Bradford, L. M. Petit, R. Whitfield, A. Anastasaki, C. Barner-Kowollik, D. Konkolewicz
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2021, 143, 17769-17777 external page [Link]

98. Tuning Ligand Concentration in Cu(0)-RDRP: A Simple Approach to Control Polymer Dispersity
T. Shimizu, N. P. Truong, R. Whitfield, A. Anastasaki
ACS Polym. Au 2021, 1, 187-195 external page [Link]
- This work was an invited paper
- This work was hightlighted in the 2021 "Rising Stars in Polymers" special virtual issue

97. Shape-Controlled Nanoparticles from a Low-Energy Nanoemulsion
M. Rolland, N. P. Truong, K. Parkatzidis, E. H. Pilkington, A. L. Torzynski, R. W. Style, E. R. Dufresne, A. Anastasaki
JACS Au 2021, 1, 1975-1986 external page [Link]
- This work was highlighted by the Department of Materials (ETH) [Link]

96. Tailoring Polymer Dispersity by Mixing ATRP Initiators
K. Parkatzidis, M. Rolland, N. P. Truong, A. Anastasaki
Polym. Chem. 2021, 12, 5583-5588 external page [Link]
- This work was an invited contribution to the Special Issue “Tailoring Dispersity and Shape of Molecular Weight Distributions”

95. Controlling Dispersity in Aqueous Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization: Rapid and Quantitative Synthesis of One-Pot Block Copolymers
H. S. Wang, K. Parkatzidis, S. Harrisson, N. P. Truong, A. Anastasaki
Chem. Sci. 2021, 12, 14376-14382 external page [Link]
- This work was selected as the Pick of the Week by the Chemical Science editorial team
- This work was highlighted by the Swiss Science Concentrates (a CHIMIA column)
- This work was highlighted during International Women's Day social media activities in Chemical Science

94. A Comparison of RAFT and ATRP Methods for Controlled Radical Polymerization
N. P. Truong, G. R. Jones, K. G. E. Bradford, D. Konkolewicz, A. Anastasaki
Nat. Rev. Chem. 2021, 5, 859-869 external page [Link]
- This work was an invited Perspective

93. Precise Control of Both Dispersity and Molecular Weight Distribution Shape by Polymer Blending
R. Whitfield, N. P. Truong, A. Anastasaki
Angew Chem. Int. Ed. 2021, 60, 19383-19388 external page [Link]
- This work was highlighted as a Hot Paper

92. Understanding Dispersity Control in Photo-Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization: Effect of Degree of Polymerization and Kinetic Evaluation
M. Rolland, V. Lohmann, R. Whitfield, N. P. Truong, A. Anastasaki
J. Polym. Sci. 2021, 59, 2502-2509 external page [Link]
- This work was an invited contribution to the Young Investigator Special Issue

91. Low ppm CuBr-Triggered Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization under Mild Conditions
R. Whitfield, K. Parkatzidis, K. G. E Bradford, N. P. Truong, D. Konkolewicz, A. Anastasaki
Macromolecules 2021, 54, 3075-3083 external page [Link]

90. Oxygen Tolerant, Photoinduced Controlled Radical Polymerization Approach for the Synthesis of Giant Amphiphiles
A. Theodorou, P. Mandriotis, A. Anastasaki, K. Velonia
Polym. Chem. 2021,12, 2228-2235 external page [Link]

89. Recent Developments and Future Challenges in Controlled Radical Polymerization: A 2020 Update
K. Parkatzidis, H. S. Wang, N. P. Truong, A. Anastasaki
Chem 2020, 6, 1575-1588 external page [Link]
- This work was an invited Perspective from Chem

88. Tailoring Polymer Dispersity by Mixing Chain Transfer Agents in PET-RAFT Polymerization
K. Parkatzidis, N. P. Truong, M. N. Antonopoulou, R. Whitfield, A. Anastasaki
Polym. Chem. 2020, 11, 4968-4972 external page [Link]
-This work was selected by handling editors and referees in Polymer Chemistry as a HOT article, made available free of charge until 19 September 2020 [external page Link]

87. Conformationally Tuned Antibacterial Oligomers Target the Peptidoglycan of Gram-Positive Bacteria
A. J. Christofferson, A. Elbourne, S. Cheeseman, Y. Shi, M. Rolland, D. Cozzolino, J. Chapman, C. F. McConville, R. J. Crawford, P.-Y. Wang, N. P. Truong, A. Anastasaki, V. K. Truong
J. Colloid. Interface. Sci. 2020, 580, 850-862 external page [Link]
- This work was featured on the cover of Journal of Colloid and Interface Science

86. Tailoring Polymer Dispersity by RAFT Polymerization: A Versatile Approach
R. Whitfield, K. Parkatzidis, T. Junkers, N. P. Truong, A. Anastasaki
Chem 2020, 6, 1340-1352 external page [Link]
- This work was featured on the cover page of Chem
- This work was highlighted by Nature Reviews Chemistry [external page Link]
- This work was highlighted by Chem external page [Link]
- This work was covered by the ETH news [Link]
- A preprint of this manuscript was previously posted on ChemRxiv [external page Link]
- This work was selected as one of the editor's favorite articles of 2020
- This work was highlighted by the Department of Materials (ETH) [Link]

85. Tailoring Polymer Dispersity in Photoinduced Iron-Catalyzed ATRP
M. Rolland, N. P. Truong, R. Whitfield, A. Anastasaki
ACS Macro Lett. 2020, 9, 459-463 external page [Link]

84. Protein-Polymer Bioconjugates via a Versatile Oxygen Tolerant Photoinduced Controlled Radical Polymerization Approach
A. Theodorou, E. Liarou, D. M. Haddleton, I. G. Stavrakaki, P. Skordalidis, R. Whitfield, A. Anastasaki, K. Velonia
Nat. Commun. 2020, 11, 1486 external page [Link]
-This work was highlighted in the Greek newspaper ΠΑΤΡΙΣ [external page Link]

83. Effect of Polymerization Components on Oxygen-Tolerant Photo-ATRP
M. Rolland, R. Whitfield, D. Messmer, K. Parkatzidis, N. P. Truong, A. Anastasaki
ACS Macro Lett. 2019, 8, 1546-1551 external page [Link]

82. Tailoring Polymer Dispersity and Shape of Molecular Weight Distributions: Methods and Applications
R. Whitfield, N. P. Truong, D. Messmer, K. Parkatzidis, M. Rolland, A. Anastasaki
Chem. Sci., 2019, 10, 8724-8734 external page [Link]
- This work was an invited review article from Chemical Science

81. Tuning Dispersity by Photo‐Induced ATRP: Monomodal Distributions with ppm Copper Concentration
R. Whitfield, K. Parkatzidis, M. Rolland, N. P. Truong, A. Anastasaki
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2019, 58,13323-13328 external page [Link]
-This work was highlighted as a Very Important Paper (VIP)
- This work was highlighted by the Department of Materials (ETH) [Link]
Prior to ETH
*denotes correspondance
80. Architecture Effects in Complex Spherical Assemblies of (AB)n-Type Block Copolymers
S. M. Barbon, J.-A. Song, D. Chen, C. Zhang, J. Lequieu, K. T. Delaney, A. Anastasaki, M. Rolland, G. H. Fredrickson, M. W. Bates, C. J. Hawker, C. M. Bates
ACS Macro. Lett. 2020, 9, 1745-1752
79. Investigating Temporal Control in Photoinduced Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization*
S. Dadashi-Silab, I. Lee, A. Anastasaki, F. Lorandi, B. Narupai, N. D. Dolinski, M. L. Allegrezza, M. Fantin, D. Konkolewicz, C. J. Hawker, K. Matyjaszewski
Macromolecules 2020, 52, 5280-5288
78. Elucidating the Effect of Sequence and Degree of Polymerization on Antimicrobial Properties for Block Copolymers*
S. M. Barbon, N. P. Truong, A. G. Elliott, M. A. Cooper, T. P. Davis, M. R. Whittaker, C. J. Hawker, A. Anastasaki
Polym. Chem. 2020, 11, 84-90
77. Norbornadienes: Robust and Scalable Building Blocks for Cascade "Click" Coupling of High Molecular Weight Polymers
A. H. St. Amant, E. H. Discekici, S. J. Bailey, M. S. Zayas, J.-A Song, S. L. Shankel, S. N. Nguyen, M. W. Bates, A. Anastasaki, C. J. Hawker, J. Read de Alaniz
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2019, 141, 13619-13624
76. Stability of the A15 phase in diblock copolymer melts
M. W. Bates, J. Lequieu, S. M. Barbon, R. M. Lewis III, K. T. Delaney, A. Anastasaki, C. J. Hawker, G. H. Fredrickson, and C. M. Bates
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 2019, 116, 13194-13199
75. Photo-induced copper-RDRP in continuous flow without external deoxygenation
A. Marathianos, E. Liarou, A. Anastasaki, R. Whitfield, M. Laurel, A. M. Wemyss and D. M. Haddleton
Polym. Chem. 2019, 10, 4402-4406
74. Low‐Temperature, Rapid Copolymerization of Acrylic Acid and Sodium Acrylate in Water
B. Narupai, J. Willenbacher, M. W. Bates, S. M. Barbon, R. Bou Zerdan, A. J. McGrath, I-H. Lee, A. Anastasaki, E. H. Discekici, D. S. Laitar, A.K. Van Dyk, T. H. Kalantar, J. M. Ren, C. J. Hawker
J. Polym. Sci. A Polym. Chem. 2019, 57, 1414-1419.
73. Ultra-low volume oxygen tolerant photoinduced Cu-RDRP
E. Liarou , A. Anastasaki , R. Whitfield , C. E. Iacono , G. Patias , N. G. Engelis , A. Marathianos , G. R. Jones and D. M. Haddleton
Polym. Chem. 2019, 10, 963-971
72. What happens in the dark? Assessing the temporal control of photo‐mediated controlled radical polymerizations*
N.D. Dolinski, Z. A. Page , E. H. Discekici, D. Meis, I-H. Lee, G. R. Jones, R. Whitfield, X. Pan, B. G. McCarthy, S. Shanmugam, V. Kottisch, B. P. Fors, C. Boyer, G. M. Miyake, K. Matyjaszewski, D. M. Haddleton, J. R. de Alaniz, A. Anastasaki, C. J. Hawker
J. Polym. Sci. A Polym. Chem. 2019, 57, 268–273
71. Scalable synthesis of an architectural library of well‐defined poly(acrylic acid) derivatives: Role of structure on dispersant performance
D. J. Lunn, S. Seo, S‐H. Lee, R. Bou Zerdan, K. M. Mattson, N. J. Treat, A. J. McGrath, W. R. Gutekunst, J. Lawrence, A. Abdilla, A. Anastasaki, A. S. Knight, B. V. K. J. Schmidt, M. W. Bates, P. G. Clark, J. P. DeRocher, A. K. Van Dyk, C. J. Hawker
J.Polym.Sci. A Polym.Chem. 2019, 57, 716–725
70. Evolution and Future Directions of Metal-Free Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization
E.H. Discekici , A.Anastasaki, J. Read de Alaniz , and C. J. Hawker
Macromolecules 2018, 51, 7421–7434
69. Copper mediated polymerization without external deoxygenation or oxygen scavengers*
E. Liarou, R. Whitfield, A. Anastasaki, N.G Engelis, G.R Jones, K. Velonia, D.M Haddleton
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018, 57, 8998-9002.
68. Macrocyclic Side-Chain Monomers for Photoinduced ATRP: Synthesis and Properties versus Long-Chain Linear Isomers
S.M. Barbon, M. Rolland, A. Anastasaki, N.P. Truong, M.W. Schultze, C.M. Bates, C.J. Hawker
Macromolecules 2018, 51, 6901-6910.
67. Efficient Binding, Protection, and Self-Release of dsRNA in Soil by Linear and Star Cationic Polymers*
R. Whitfield, A. Anastasaki, N.P. Truong, A.B. Cook, M. Omedes-Pujol, V. Loczenski, T.A.H. Nguyen, J.A. Burns, S. Perrier, T. P. Davis, D.M. Haddleton
ACS. Macro Lett. 2018, 7, 909-915.
66. Cu(0)-RDRP of styrene: balancing initiator efficiency and dispersity
R. Whitfield, A. Anastasaki, G.R. Jones, D.M. Haddleton
Polym.Chem. 2018, 9, 4395-4403.
65. Tuning of protease resistance in oligopeptides through N-alkylation
R. Kaminker, A. Anastasaki, W. Gutekunst, Y. Luo, S. Lee, C.J. Hawker
Chem.Comm. 2018, 54, 9631-9634.
64. Copper Mediated Reversible Deactivation Radical Polymerization in Aqueous Media
G.R Jones, A. Anastasaki, R. Whitfield, N.G Engelis, E. Liariou, D.M Haddleton
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018, 130, 10628-10643.
63. Sequence-Controlled Methacrylic Multiblock Copolymers: Expanding the Scope of Sulfur-Free RAFT*
N.G. Engelis, A. Anastasaki, R. Whitfield, G.R Jones, E. Liarou, V. Nikolaou, G. Nurumbetov, D.M Haddleton
Macromolecules 2018, 51, 336-342.
62. Overcoming Surfactant-Induced Morphology Instability of Noncrosslinked Diblock Copolymer Nano-Objects Obtained by RAFT Emulsion Polymerization
N.P Truong, C. Zhang, T.A.H Nguyen, A. Anastasaki, M.W Schulze, J.F Quinn, A.K Whittaker, C.J Hawker, M.R Whittaker, T.P Davis
ACS Macro Lett. 2018, 7, 159-165.
61. Cu(0)-RDRP of Methacrylates in DMSO: Importance of the initiator
G. Jones, R. Whitfield, A. Anastasaki, N. Risangud, A. Simula, D. Keddie, D.M. Haddleton
Polym.Chem. 2018, 9, 2382-2388.
60. One pot synthesis of ABCDE multiblock copolymers with hydrophobic, hydrophilic, and semi‐fluorinated segments*
A. Anastasaki, B. Oschmann, J. Willenbacher, A. Melker, M.HC van Son, N.P. Truong, M.W Schultze, E.H Discekici, A.J McGrath, T.P Davis, C.M Bates, C.J. Hawker
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2017, 56, 14483-14487.
59. Desulfurization-bromination: direct chain-end modification of RAFT polymers
I. Lee, E.H. Discekici, S.L. Shankel, A.Anastasaki, J. Read de Alaniz, C.J. Hawker, D.J. Lunn
Polym. Chem. 2017, 8, 7188-7194.
58. Light-Mediated Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization of Semi-Fluorinated (Meth) acrylates: Facile Access to Functional Materials*
E.H. Discekici, A. Anastasaki, R. Kaminker, J. Willenbacher, N.P. Truong, C. Fleischmann, B. Oschmann, D.J. Lunn, J. Read de Alaniz, T.P. Davis, C.M. Bates, C.J. Hawker
J.Am.Chem.Soc. 2017, 139, 5939-5945.
57. Sequence-controlled methacrylic multiblock copolymers via sulfur-free RAFT emulsion polymerization*
N.G. Engelis, A. Anastasaki, G. Nurumbetov, N.P. Truong, V. Nikolaou, A. Shegiwal, M.R. Whittaker, T.P. Davis, D.M. Haddleton
Nat.Chem. 2017, 9, 171-178.
56. Effects of Tailored Dispersity on the Self-assembly of Dime-thylsiloxane–Methyl Methacrylate Block Co-oligomers
B. Oschmann, J. Lawrence, M.W. Schulze, J.M. Ren, A. Anastasaki, Y. Luo, M.D. Nothling, C.W. Pester, K.T. Delaney, L.A. Connal, A.J. McGrath, P.G. Clark, C.M. Bates, C.J. Hawker
ACS.Macro Lett. 2017, 6, 668-673.
55. Rapid Visible Light-Mediated Controlled Aqueous Polymerization with In Situ Monitoring
J. Niu, Z.A Page, N.D Dolinski, A. Anastasaki, A.T Hsueh, H T. Soh, C.J Hawker
ACS.Macro Lett. 2017, 6, 1109-1113.
54. Practical Chain-End Reduction of Polymers Obtained with ATRP
W.R. Gutekunst, A. Anastasaki, D.J. Lunn, N.P. Truong, R. Whitfield, G.R. Jones, N.J. Treat, A. Abdilla, B.E. Barton, P.G. Clark, D.M. Haddleton, T.P. Davis, C.J. Hawker
Macromol.Chem.Phys. 2017, 218, 1700107.
53. Controlled radical polymerization of vinyl ketones using visible light
I. Lee, E.H. Discekici, A. Anastasaki, J. Read de Alaniz, C.J. Hawker
Polym.Chem. 2017, 8, 3351-3356.
52. Dual-pathway chain-end modification of RAFT polymers using visible light and metal-free conditions
E.H. Discekici, S.L. Shankel, A. Anastasaki, B. Oschmann, I. Lee, J. Niu, A.J. McGrath, P.G. Clark, D.S. Laitar, J. Read de Alaniz, C.J. Hawker, D.J. Lunn
Chem.Comm. 2017, 53, 1888-1891.
51. Surfactant-free RAFT emulsion polymerization using a novel biocompatible thermoresponsive polymer
N.P. Truong, J.F. Quinn, A. Anastasaki, M. Rolland, M.N. Vu, D.M. Haddleton, M.R. Whittaker, T.P. Davis
Polym.Chem. 2017, 8, 1353-1363.
50. Direct Access to Functional (Meth)acrylate Copolymers through Transesterification with Lithium Alkoxides
C. Fleischmann, A. Anastasaki, W.R. Gutekunst, A.J. McGrath, P.D. Hustadı, P.G. Clark, D.S. Laitar, C.J. Hawker
J.Polym.Sci. A Polym.Chem. 2017, 55, 1566-1574.
49. Methacrylic Block Copolymers by Sulfur Free RAFT (SF RAFT) Free Radical Emulsion Polymerisation
G. Nurumbetov, N.G. Engelis, J. Godfrey, R.A. Hand, A. Anastasaki, A. Simula, V. Nikolaou, D.M. Haddleton
Polym.Chem. 2017, 8, 1084-1094.
48. Universal Conditions for the Controlled Polymerization of Acrylates, Methacrylates and Styrene via Cu(0)-RDRP*
R. Whitfield, A. Anastasaki, V. Nikolaou, G.R. Jones, N.G. Engelis, E.H. Discekici, C. Fleischmann, J. Willenbacher, C.J. Hawker, D.M. Haddleton
J.Am.Chem.Soc. 2017, 139, 1003-1010.
47. End group modification of poly(acrylates) obtained via ATRP: A user guide
A. Anastasaki, J. Willenbacher, C. Fleischmann, W.R. Gutekunst, C.J. Hawker
Polym. Chem. 2017, 8, 689-697.
46. A di-tert-butyl acrylate monomer for controlled radical photopolymerization
Z.A. Page, R. Bou Zerdan, W.R. Gutekunst, A. Anastasaki, S. Seo, A.J. McGrath, P.G. Clark, C.J. Hawker
J. Polym. Sci. A Polym. Chem. 2017, 55, 801-807.
45. Well-Defined PDMAEA Stars via Cu(0)-Mediated Reversible Deactivation Radical Polymerization
R. Whitfield, A. Anastasaki, N.P. Truong, P. Wilson, K. Kempe, J.A. Burns, T.P. Davis, D.M. Haddleton
Macromolecules 2016, 49, 8914-8924.
44. Aqueous copper(II) photoinduced polymerization of acrylates: Low copper concentration and the importance of sodium halide salts*
G.R. Jones, R. Whitfield, A. Anastasaki, D.M. Haddleton
J.Am.Chem.Soc. 2016, 138, 7346-7352.
43. Controlled aqueous polymerization of acrylamides and acrylates and “in situ” depolymerization in the presence of dissolved CO2
D.J. Lloyd, V. Nikolaou, J. Collins, C. Waldron, A. Anastasaki, S.P. Bassett, S.M. Howdle, A. Blanazs, P. Wilson, K. Kempe, D.M. Haddleton
Chem.Comm. 2016, 138, 6533-6536.
42. Polymerization of 2-acrylamido-2-methylpropane sulfonic acid sodium salt (NaAMPS) and acryloyl phosphatidylcholine (APC) via aqueous Cu(0)-mediated radical polymerization
V. Nikolaou, A. Simula, M. Droesbeke, N. Risangud, A. Anastasaki, K. Kempe, P. Wilson, D.M. Haddleton
Polym.Chem. 2016, 7, 2452-2456.
41. Facile access to thermoresponsive filomicelles with tuneable cores
N.P. Truong, J.F. Quinn, A. Anastasaki, D.M. Haddleton, M.R. Whittaker, T.P. Davis
Chem.Comm. 2016, 52, 4497-4500.
40. Dual Stimuli-Responsive Comb Polymers from Modular N-Acylated Poly(aminoester)-Based Macromonomers
P.A.J.M. de Jongh, A. Mortiboy, G.S. Sulley, M.R. Bennett, A. Anastasaki, P. Wilson, D.M. Haddleton, K. Kempe
ACS Macro Lett. 2016, 5, 321-325.
39. Cu(0)-Mediated Living Radical Polymerization: Recent Highlights and Applications; a Perspective
A. Anastasaki, V. Nikolaou, D.M. Haddleton
Polym. Chem. 2016, 7, 1002-1026.
38. Rapid Synthesis of Well-Defined Polyacrylamide by Aqueous Cu(0)-Mediated Reversible-Deactivation Radical Polymerization
G.R. Jones, Z. Li, A. Anastasaki, D.J. Lloyd, P. Wilson, Q. Zhang, D.M. Haddleton
Macromolecules 2016, 46, 483-489.
37. Methacrylic zwitterionic, thermoresponsive, and hydrophilic (co)polymers via Cu(0)-polymerization: The importance of halide salt additives
A. Simula, A. Anastasaki, D. M. Haddleton
Macromol.Rapid Commun. 2016, 37, 356-361.
36. Facile production of nanoaggregates with tuneable morphologies from thermoresponsive P(DEGMA-co-HPMA)
N.P. Truong, M.R. Whittaker, A. Anastasaki, D.M. Haddleton, J.F. Quinn, T.P. Davis
Polym.Chem. 2016, 7, 430-440.
35. Discrete copper(II)-formate complexes as catalytic precursors for photo-induced reversible deactivation polymerization
V. Nikolaou, A. Anastasaki, F.B. Adams, R. Whitfield, G.R. Jones, G. Nurumbetov, D.M. Haddleton
Polym.Chem. 2016, 7, 191-197.
34. Cu (0)-Mediated Living Radical Polymerization: A Versatile Tool for Materials Synthesis
A. Anastasaki, V. Nikolaou, G. Nurumbetov, P. Wilson, K. Kempe, J.F. Quinn, T.P. Davis, M.R. Whittaker, D.M. Haddleton
Chem.Rev. 2016, 116, 835-877 (invited review).
33. Novel comb polymers from alternating N-acylated poly (aminoester) s obtained by spontaneous zwitterionic copolymerisation
K. Kempe, P.A.J.M.D. Jongh, A. Anastasaki, P. Wilson, D.M. Haddleton
Chem.Comm. 2015, 51, 16213-16216.
32. Investigating the Mechanism of Copper (0)-Mediated Living Radical Polymerization in Aqueous Media*
F. Alsubaie, A. Anastasaki, V. Nikolaou, A. Simula, G. Nurumbetov, P. Wilson, K. Kempe, D.M. Haddleton
Macromolecules 2015, 48, 6421-6432.
31. Investigating the Mechanism of Copper (0)-Mediated Living RadicalPolymerization in Organic Media*
F. Alsubaie, A. Anastasaki, V. Nikolaou, A. Simula, G. Nurumbetov, P. Wilson, K. Kempe, D.M. Haddleton
Macromolecules 2015, 48, 5517-5525.
30. Synthesis of Well-Defined Poly (acrylates) in Ionic Liquids via Copper (II)-Mediated Photoinduced Living Radical Polymerization
A. Anastasaki, V. Nikolaou, G. Nurumbetov, N.P. Truong, G.S. Pappas, N.G. Engelis, J.F. Quinn, M.R. Whittaker, T.P. Davis, D.M. Haddleton
Macromolecules 2015, 48, 5140-5147.
29. The effect of ligand, solvent and Cu (0) source on the efficient polymerization of polyether acrylates and methacrylates in aqueous and organic media
A. Simula, V. Nikolaou, F. Alsubaie, A. Anastasaki, D.M. Haddleton
Polym.Chem. 2015, 6, 5950-5950.
28. Enlightening the mechanism of copper mediated photoRDRP via high resolution Mass spectrometry
E. Frick, A. Anastasaki, D.M. Haddleton, C. Barner-Kowollik
J.Am.Chem.Soc. 2015, 137, 6889-6896.
27. Copper(II) gluconate (a non-toxic food supplement dietary aid) as a precursor catalyst for effective photo-induced living radical polymerization of acrylates
V. Nikolaou, A. Anastasaki, F. Alsubaie, A. Simula, D.J. Fox, D.M. Haddleton
Polym.Chem. 2015, 6, 3581-3585.
26. Organic Arsenicals as efficient and highly specific linkers for protein/peptide-polymer conjugation
P. Wilson, A. Anastasaki, M.R. Owen, K. Kempe, D.M. Haddleton, S.K. Mann, A.P.R. Johnston, J.F. Quinn, M.R. Whittaker, P.J. Hogg, T.P. Davis
J.Am.Chem.Soc. 2015, 137, 4215-4222.
25. Photoinduced synthesis of α, ω telechelic sequence-controlled multiblock copolymers
A.Anastasaki, V. Nikolaou, N.W. McCaul, A. Simula, J. Godfrey, P. Wilson, K. Kempe, D.M. Haddleton
Macromolecules 2015, 48, 1404-1411.
24. Synthesis of well-defined α, ω-telechelic multiblock copolymers in aqueous medium: In situ generation of α, ω diols
A. Simula, V. Nikolaou, A. Anastasaki, F. Alsubaie, G. Nurumbetov, P. Wilson, K. Kempe, D.M. Haddleton
Polym.Chem. 2015, 6, 2226-2233.
23. Photo-induced living radical polymerization of acrylates utilizing a discrete copper(II)/formate complex
A. Anastasaki, V. Nikolaou, F. Brandford-Adams, G. Nurumbetov, Q. Zhang, G.J. Clarkson, D.J. Fox, P. Wilson, K. Kempe, D.M. Haddleton
Chem.Comm. 2015, 51, 5626-5629.
22. Hydrosilylation as an efficient tool for polymer synthesis and modification with methacrylates
N. Risangud, Z. Li, A. Anastasaki, P. Wilson, K. Kempe, D.M. Haddleton
RSC Adv. 2015, 5, 5879-5885.
21. Sequence-controlled multi-block copolymerization of acrylamides via aqueous SET-LRP at 0˚C
F. Alsubaie, A. Anastasaki, P. Wilson, D.M. Haddleton
Polym. Chem. 2015, 6, 406-417.
20. Synthesis and reactivity of α,ω-homotelechelic polymers by Cu(0)-mediated living radical polymerization
A. Simula, G. Nurumbetov, A. Anastasaki, P. Wilson, D.M. Haddleton
Eur.Polym.J. 2014, 62, 294-303 (invited article).
19. Photoinduced sequence-control via one pot living radical polymerization of acrylates
A. Anastasaki, V. Nikolaou, G.S. Pappas, Q. Zhang, C. Wan, P. Wilson, T.P. Davis, M.R Whittaker, D.M. Haddleton
Chem.Sci. 2014, 5, 3536-3542.
18. Expanding the Scope of the Photoinduced Living Radical Polymerization of Acrylates in the Presence of CuBr2 and Me6-Tren
A. Anastasaki, V. Nikolaou, A. Simula, J. Godfrey, M. Li, G. Nurumbetov, P. Wilson, D. M. Haddleton
Macromolecules 2014, 12, 3852-3859.
17. Synthesis and Aggregation of Double Hydrophilic Diblock Glycopolymers via Aqueous SET-LRP
Q. Zhang, P. Wilson, A. Anastasaki, R. McHale, D. M. Haddleton
ACS Macro Lett. 2014, 3, 491-495.
16. Multiblock sequence-controlled glycopolymers via Cu(0)-LRP following efficient thiol-halogen, thiol-epoxy and CuAAC reactions
Q. Zhang, A. Anastasaki, G. Li, A. Haddleton, P.Wilson, D.M. Haddleton
Polym.Chem. 2014, 5, 3876-3883.
15. Aqueous Copper-Mediated Living Radical Polymerization of N-Acryloylmorpholine, SET-LRP in Water
A. Anastasaki , A. J. Haddleton , Q. Zhang , A. Simula , M. Droesbeke, P. Wilson, D.M. Haddleton
Macromol.Rapid Commun. 2014, 35, 965-970.
14. Copper(II)/Tertiary Amine Synergy in Photoinduced Living Radical Polymerization: Accelerated Synthesis of ω-Functional and α,ω- Heterofunctional Poly(acrylates)
A. Anastasaki, V. Nikolaou, Q. Zhang, J. Burns, S.R. Samanta, C. Waldron, A.J. Haddleton, R. McHale, D. Fox, V. Percec, P. Wilson, D.M. Haddleton
J.Am.Chem.Soc. 2014, 136, 1141-1149.
13. Copper-mediated living radical polymerization (SET-LRP) of lipophilic monomers from multi-fuctional initiators: reducing star-star coupling at high molecular weights and high monomer conversions
C. Waldron, A. Anastasaki, R. McHale, P. Wilson, Z. Li, T. Smith, D.M. Haddleton
Polym.Chem. 2014, 5, 892-898.
12. Absolut “copper catalyzation perfected”; robust living polymerization of NIPAm: Guinness is good for SET-LRP
C. Waldron, Q. Zhang, Z. Li, V. Nikolaou, G. Nurumbetov, J. Godfrey, R. McHale, G. Yilmaz, R.K. Randev, M. Girault, K. McEwan, D.M. Haddleton, M. Droesbeke, A.J. Haddleton, P. Wilson, A.Simula, J. Collins, D.J Lloyd, J.A. Burns, C. Summers, C. Houben, A. Anastasaki, M. Li, C.R. Becer, J.K. Kiviaho, N. Risangud
Polym.Chem. 2014, 5, 57-61.
11. High Molecular Weight Block Copolymers by Sequential Monomer Addition via Cu(0)-Mediated Living Radical Polymerization (SET-LRP): An Optimized Approach
A. Anastasaki, C. Waldron, P. Wilson, C. Boyer, P. B. Zetterlund, M. R. Whittaker, D.M. Haddleton
ACS Macro Lett. 2013, 2, 896-900.
10. Self-Activation and activation of Cu(0) wire for SET-LRP mediated by fluorinated alcohols
S. R. Samanta, H.Sun, A. Anastasaki, D. M. Haddleton, V. Percec
Polym.Chem. 2013, 5, 89-95.
9. SET-LRP of methacrylates in fluorinated alcohols
S. R. Samanta, A. Anastasaki, C. Waldron, D. M. Haddleton, V. Percec
Polym.Chem. 2013, 4, 5563-5569.
8. SET-LRP of hydrophobic and hydrophilic acrylates in tetrafluoropropanol
S.R Samanta, A. Anastasaki, C. Waldron, D.M. Haddleton, V. Percec
Polym.Chem. 2013, 4, 5555-5562.
7. Poly(acrylates) via SET-LRP in a continuous tubular reactor
J. A. Burns, C. Houben, A. Anastasaki, C. Waldron, A. A. Lapkin, D. M. Haddleton
Polym.Chem. 2013, 4, 4809-4813.
6. Polymerization of long chain [meth]acrylates by Cu(0)-mediated and catalytic chain transfer polymerization (CCTP): high end group incorporation and modification
A. Anastasaki, Waldron, V. Nikolaou, P. Wilson, R. McHale, T. Smith, D. M. Haddleton
Polym.Chem. 2013, 4, 4113-4119.
5. Aqueous Copper-Mediated Living Polymerization: Exploiting Rapid Disproportionation of CuBr with Me6Tren
Q. Zhang, P. Wilson, Z. Li, R. McHale, J. Godfrey, A. Anastasaki, C. Waldron, D. M. Haddleton
J.Am.Chem.Soc. 2013, 135, 7355-7363.
4. Sequence-Controlled Multi-Block Glycopolymers to Inhibit DC-SIGN-gp120 Binding
Q. Zhang, J. Collins, A. Anastasaki, R. Wallis, D.A. Mitchell, C.R. Becer, D.M. Haddleton
Angew.Chem.Int.Ed. 2013, 52, 4435-4439.
3. The importance of ligand reactions in Cu(0)-mediated living radical polymerization of acrylates
A. Anastasaki, C. Waldron, P. Wilson, R. McHale and D. M. Haddleton
Polym.Chem. 2013, 4, 2672-2675.
2. Copper(0)-mediated radical polymerisation in a self-generating biphasic system
C. Boyer, A. Atme, C. Waldron, A. Anastasaki, P. Wilson, P.B. Zetterlund, D.M. Haddleton, M.R. Whittaker
Polym.Chem. 2013, 4, 106-112.
1. Statistical copolymers of methyl methacrylate and 2-methacryloyloxyethyl ferrocenecarboxylate: Monomer reactivity rations, thermal and electrochemical properties
M. Droulia, A. Anastasaki, A. Rokotas, M. Pitsikalis, P. Paraskevopoulou
J Polym Sci Part A: Polym Chem. 2011, 49, 3080-3089.
Other Publications (non-peer-reviewed)

4. Tackling Waste Polystyrene with Sunlight
H.S. Wang, A. Anastasaki
ACS Cent. Sci. 2025, 11, 19-21 [external page Link]
3. A pathway to polymers
K. Ashe
Nat. Chem. 2022, 14, 241-242 external page [Link]

2. Five years of the #RSCPoster Twitter conference
M. J. Baker, K. L. Gempf, H. McDonald, H. E. Kerr, C. Hodges, A. Anastasaki, T. Noel, E. P. Randviir
Chem. Commun. 2020, 56, 13681-13688 external page [Link]
1. Sequence-Controlled Polymers via Controlled Radical Polymerization
R. Whitfield, N. P. Truong, A. Anastasaki
Chimia 2019, 73, 331 external page [Link]
Book Chapters
3. One pot sequence-controlled (SC) multiblock copolymers via copper-mediated polymerization*
A. Anastasaki, R. Whitfield, V. Nikolaou, N.P. Truong, G.R. Jones, N. G. Engelis, E. Liarou, M.R. Whittaker and D.M. Haddleton
John Wiley & Sons, Sequence controlled polymers, 2018, 417 (invited chapter)
2. Unprecedented control over the acrylate and acrylamide polymerization in aqueous and organic media
A. Anastasaki, V. Nikolaou, F. Alsubaie, A. Simula, C. Waldron, D.J. Lloyd, J. Godfrey, G. Nurumbetov, Q. Zhang, P. Wilson, K. Kempe, D.M. Haddleton
ACS Symposium Series, Controlled Radical Polymerization: Materials, 2015, 1188, 29-45 (invited chapter)
1. Sequence-Controlled Multiblock Glycopolymers via Cu(0) Mediated Living Radical Polymerization
Q. Zhang, J. Collins, A. Anastasaki, R. Wallis, D.A. Mitchell, C.R. Becer, P. Wilson, D.M. Haddleton
ACS Symposium Series, Sequence-Controlled Polymers: Synthesis, Self-Assembly and Properties, 2014, 1170, 327-348 (invited chapter)